
Praise Him & Encourage Yourself

Sometimes you have to encourage yourself . When you get bad news, don't stop praising God. Don't turn away from God. If anything, draw nearer to Him! You need Him. Don't just praise Him through the good but also lift His name up through the disappointments and setbacks. Turn that anger and sadness into energy to be used for the praises of the Lord. Through your praise you will be uplifted, reminded who is in control, and encouraged to endure through the trials. Lift up His name, for He is worthy! Give Him praise, for all things work together for your good! "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." ~Romans 8:28 Recommended song:  "Encourage Yourself" by Donald Lawrence ~Be Inspired~

There's No Such Thing As A Perfect Christian

What is your definition of perfection? How did you form this idea of what perfection is? What does God say about perfection? Job was called perfect. "There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil." Job 1:1 Jesus tells us to be perfect.  "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." Matthew 5:48 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Timothy 3: 16&17  Noah was called perfect. "These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." Genesis 6:9 Where do we get our definition or idea of what perfection is? I have seen many people on social media talking about how we ar...

The Power of God

     As I looked over the many drafts I have that are waiting to be completed, I came across something I wrote about 7-8 months ago. I wanted to talk about the power of God and how I expected Him to work in my life specifically for my allergies at the time. Although, this was originally written in the springtime and addressed to one specific concern, I still believe this message still has some relevance. Check this out!: *God has the POWER to heal, deliver, restore, cleanse, purge, cast out demons, break chains (bondage), to free, etc. There is power in His name alone, the name of Jesus. There are things that we take for granted & think are so minute. We don't realize the magnitude of the act. Like many of you, I am dealing with the allergies that come with the Spring season. I believe God can & will heal me from this. Its something I've dealt with all my life, the last few years have been on & off. I believe I don't have to deal with this, suffer from this...

A Little Bit of Encouragement

     I thank God for what He has been doing in my life! He has definitely been blessing me in many ways! I wanted to share with you today a bit of encouragement that God laid on my heart last week. It was a Tuesday morning. I didn't wake up feeling discouraged but I wasn't necessarily full of joy either. As I forced myself out of bed and started my daily routine I began to just say "Thank You God" over and over because I was genuinely thankful in my heart. As I began to give thanks to God my mood began to change and it was like my spirit was awakened by my praise. I should mention that this Tuesday was also one of the consecration/fasting days at my church where we fast til 3pm. In addition, I usually work for the majority of the day. Needless to say, some days are better than others. So again, as I began to praise God, my praise led me to speak encouragement over myself. I felt so alive and excited. The words came pouring out as God continued to drop things in my spi...

How Do We Honor God?

Last week I attended a Bible Study where the topic of discussion was about honoring God with your finances. Our assignment for the previous week was to track and make record of every penny we spent. At the end of the lesson we were able to reflect on the items we purchased and evaluate whether or not we were honoring God with our money. I enjoyed the lesson and I want to share it with everyone but I want to apply this concept to our every day lives. How can we honor God daily? First let's cover the financial topic. When I think of honoring God with my money, some of the things that come to mind are: not recklessly spending money, managing my money wisely, and obeying God's Word in tithing. So when we honor God with our money we are being obedient and responsible. My definition of reckless spending is getting a paycheck and just blowing it on anything and everything you see just because you can and without thinking of the consequences. To manage your money means to plan ahea...

God's Plan

I know I previously wrote a post about God's plan for our lives but its so heavy on my heart to discuss this topic again. I want  everyone  to know how much they don't have to worry. Guys, you don't have to waste your precious time worrying about what will happen next in your life, including your own plans. Do you know why? Because God has a plan. He had this plan before you were even born. He gives us choices, this is a part of our free will. He knows whether you're going to choose to go left or right. If you choose what's behind door number 1 there's a plan. If you choose door number 2 there's a plan. He already knows! He knows you better than you know yourself guys! I just feel that we need to hear this message and really grasp the truth that we don't have to worry & stress ourselves. God is going to work it out, actually its already worked out, already taken care of. We just have to believe and live a life following Jesus. Isaiah 30:21 says, ...

A Daily Thank You

Our lives are sooooo busy but are we so busy that we forget to say thank you to The One who woke us up? Are we so busy that we don't make time to acknowledge our Father and Creator for breathing life into us once again. We are blessed to see each day. God has a plan for us and we have a purpose to fulfill. Every morning, instead of reaching for the phone to check your messages, preparing breakfast, before your feet even hit the floor just lie there and say "Thank you God". In that moment, you are acknowledging God and the gift of life you have just received. I have incorporated a daily thank you in my schedule. My mom has always told me, "People make time for what they want". When you are in a relationship you make room in your schedule to spend time with that individual. Same goes for God. You have a relationship with Him so make room in your schedule to spend time with God. You are never to busy to give God a praise for the blessings you have in life. You w...