There's No Such Thing As A Perfect Christian

What is your definition of perfection? How did you form this idea of what perfection is? What does God say about perfection?

  • Job was called perfect. "There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil." Job 1:1
  • Jesus tells us to be perfect. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." Matthew 5:48
  • "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Timothy 3: 16&17 
  • Noah was called perfect. "These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." Genesis 6:9

Where do we get our definition or idea of what perfection is? I have seen many people on social media talking about how we are not perfect and only Jesus was perfect. This is a statement that I'm sure we all hear and see often. This is something that some of us just say, kind of as an excuse, a crutch that we depend on. When we make a mistake we say, "it's okay because no one is perfect and only Jesus is perfect". It has been passed down from generation to generation but is it factual... When I ask what the definition of perfect is, I don't mean the world's definition. I'm referring to God's definition. How many of us actually think about what He calls perfection? I think a part of some of our problem is the way we view ourselves. Sometimes we are so critical and we're striving to be perfect Christians. What if God already called you perfect? He called Job perfect. We need to become more in tune with what God says about us than what and who the world says we are. It's time to change our perspective! We must educate ourselves in the word so we know the TRUTH! So here it is: We can be perfect! Why? We can be perfect because God says so! Here's the thing guys...being perfect and sin-free are two different things. A lot of people equate perfection with never committing a sin. Who came up with this? If this is your only definition of perfection then of course Jesus is the only perfect one. Let me be clear. I do believe and know that Jesus is the only one who was sin free. We're not talking about sin. This topic is about perfection. If you have sinned that doesn't mean that you cannot be perfect in God's eyes. (I didn't say if you are living in sin. I said if you have sinned. This is for all the believers who think because they have sinned before receiving salvation that they cannot be perfect. It's just not true.) I believe this kind of approach hinders people and puts us in a box. Why? Some of us are so critical and are stressing ourselves trying to be perfect Christians and beat ourselves up when we make a mistake because we're analyzing every little thing. Others of us feel like it's impossible. But who's definition are we living by? This goes not just for this topic but across the board. I challenge you to examine your life. Is the way you live your life defined by the world's definitions and standards or by God's??? Of course, there are rules and laws of the land we have to follow but I'm not referring to those. (I feel that I have to say that for some people). Are your life principles bible-based or world based?

This is meant solely for the purpose of education and encouragement. I want us (I say us because I'm including myself) to change the way we look at ourselves. Sometimes we overwork and stress ourselves trying to be perfect according to the standards of the world or even our own standards that we think God has set. We need to take the time to think about what God says. Do you really think He wants you to stress over getting every little detail right?! Is that the God we serve? And here's another things guys. Don't compare yourself with others. God's definition of perfect for you will be different from the way He defines perfection for me. Why? It will be different because we are two different people and we are at 2 different places in our walk. The things that God expects from you are not the same things He expects from me. Again, I feel like I have to say this: Of course I'm not talking about basic biblical principles such as the 10 Commandments. We are all supposed to abide by and follow those set of principles. What I'm referring to is the difference in our personality, characteristics, and calling. The expectations for each person will be different within our separate walks. We're different and we don't grow at the same rate. So the things God expects from me within my calling will be different from what He expects from you.

So let's stop saying that we cannot be perfect because Jesus was the only perfect one. We can be perfect. We know this is true because scripture tells us Job was perfect and that we are encouraged to be perfect according to Matthew 5:48. Let's strive for this perfection but not in the eyes of the world....perfection in the eyes of God! 😄💗😇💖😊


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