
Showing posts from May, 2015

God's Plan

I know I previously wrote a post about God's plan for our lives but its so heavy on my heart to discuss this topic again. I want  everyone  to know how much they don't have to worry. Guys, you don't have to waste your precious time worrying about what will happen next in your life, including your own plans. Do you know why? Because God has a plan. He had this plan before you were even born. He gives us choices, this is a part of our free will. He knows whether you're going to choose to go left or right. If you choose what's behind door number 1 there's a plan. If you choose door number 2 there's a plan. He already knows! He knows you better than you know yourself guys! I just feel that we need to hear this message and really grasp the truth that we don't have to worry & stress ourselves. God is going to work it out, actually its already worked out, already taken care of. We just have to believe and live a life following Jesus. Isaiah 30:21 says, ...