
Showing posts from March, 2015

A Daily Thank You

Our lives are sooooo busy but are we so busy that we forget to say thank you to The One who woke us up? Are we so busy that we don't make time to acknowledge our Father and Creator for breathing life into us once again. We are blessed to see each day. God has a plan for us and we have a purpose to fulfill. Every morning, instead of reaching for the phone to check your messages, preparing breakfast, before your feet even hit the floor just lie there and say "Thank you God". In that moment, you are acknowledging God and the gift of life you have just received. I have incorporated a daily thank you in my schedule. My mom has always told me, "People make time for what they want". When you are in a relationship you make room in your schedule to spend time with that individual. Same goes for God. You have a relationship with Him so make room in your schedule to spend time with God. You are never to busy to give God a praise for the blessings you have in life. You w...

Trust Him, He has A Plan

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~Jeremiah 29:11 God has a plan for each and every one of us. Although we know this, sometimes we allow ourselves to worry and stress over the circumstances that life brings. We become unsure what to do next or which road to take. Do you feel like you are walking in the dark? God is the Light and He knows the plans that He has for us. He knows what will happen next. God wants to  PROSPER  us not harm us. He wants to give us  HOPE  and a  FUTURE . He wants what is best for us. We have to step out of the way and let God take over. Who better to trust/follow other than the one who already knows the way? Our Father has a plan. All we have to do is surrender to that plan, surrender to His will for our lives. When we surrender our lives to Him, we are then choosing to trust Him through everything. God loves us! We are His child...