
Showing posts from July, 2015

How Do We Honor God?

Last week I attended a Bible Study where the topic of discussion was about honoring God with your finances. Our assignment for the previous week was to track and make record of every penny we spent. At the end of the lesson we were able to reflect on the items we purchased and evaluate whether or not we were honoring God with our money. I enjoyed the lesson and I want to share it with everyone but I want to apply this concept to our every day lives. How can we honor God daily? First let's cover the financial topic. When I think of honoring God with my money, some of the things that come to mind are: not recklessly spending money, managing my money wisely, and obeying God's Word in tithing. So when we honor God with our money we are being obedient and responsible. My definition of reckless spending is getting a paycheck and just blowing it on anything and everything you see just because you can and without thinking of the consequences. To manage your money means to plan ahea...